
Legend of the Phoenix Bird

When the Phoenix Bird feels it is coming to an end, it builds a nest with oak branches on top of a palm tree. Stuff it with cinnamon, nardos and myrrh. There he stands and chanting the most sublime of his melodies and consumes himself on fire. After 3 days, from his own ashes, a new Phoenix emerges. When he is strong enough, he takes the nest to Heliopolis in Egypt and deposits it in the Temple of the Sun. As the new Phoenix accumulates all the knowledge gained from its origins, a new cycle of inspiration begins.

It is said of the Phoenix bird that its tears are healing and that it has great physical endurance. Also that controls fire and possesses infinite wisdom. He is, in essence, one of the most powerful archetypes for the philosopher Carl Gustav Jung, because in his fire it contains both creation and destruction, life and death.

Despite being a mythological being, the legend of the Phoenix bird encourages us to imitate it. Imitate his ability to be reborn from his ashes. To resurface when everything seems to have been lost. The ability to try the impossible. The strength to deal with the most difficult situations. Always hoping to resurface and light up the darkest roads with fire.

Some legends place it in Arabia, where it inhabits near a well of crystal-clear waters. There he bathes every day intonating a beautiful melody.

So beautiful, it makes the Sun God stop his car to hear it.For its part, in China, the Phoenix is called Feng Huang, and symbolizes not only the highest virtue, power or prosperity. It also represents yin and yang, that duality that makes up everything that exists in the universe.

The Roman poet Ovid explained in his texts that, in Egypt, the bird Phoenix was dying and reborn once every 500 years. For the Egyptians this majestic heron was Bennu, a bird associated with the floods of the Nile, the sun and death. They explained that he was born under the tree of good and evil. This fantastic creature understood that it was necessary to renew itself from time to time. To gain greater wisdom and to do so, he followed a very meticulous process.

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